Dance Beat Magazine - March 2025

Desert Classic Open Professional Rhythm

Report by Bill Sparks
Photos by Park West

Peter and Alexandra Perzhu's  presence on the floor generated energy, feeling, and musicality.  Peter conveyed conviction and belief in showing who he is and how he wants to express his feelings, but I felt he did not exploit this to his maximum as I see there were a few times I felt him dancing just for himself, which makes him look a little quiet.

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Desert Classic on the Move!

Report by Keith Todd
Photos by Park West

This year, but for one year only, Desert Classic relocated from the JW Marriott in Palm Desert to the Renaissance, Indian Wells – a short distance away. 

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Manhattan Open Pro-Am Scholarships

Report by Keith Todd
Action photos by Park West


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The Northcoast Ballroom Championships Rock Cleveland

By Donna Edelstein
Photos by Ryan Kenner Photography

Carlos and Marielle Pabon organize a growing competition at the Mariott Cleveland only blocks away from The Horseshoe Casino, the destination of East 4th Street, and the nightlife of the Lake Erie waterfront and the incredible Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

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Great B’Day for me!
Twin Cities Open

Report by Didio Barrera
Action photos by Karin Lynn Photography

This year I was asked to attend the Twin Cities Open and after saying yes I realized that for one more year I would celebrate my birthday at a Dance Competition.

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